
哈尔滨,松北2022-11-22 17:45:52
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具体地点:世纪大道1号 联系人:刁老师 微信号:xn19950807 1.Some might see the proposal as a booby prize for the fact that Britain is no longer able to apply for the much more prestigious title of European capital of culture, a sought-after award bagged by Glasgow in 1990 and Liverpool in 2008. (2020年英语一阅读理解text1) 重点单词短语: proposal:提议,建议,求婚 booby prize:末名奖品,安慰奖 apply for:申请 prestigious:受尊敬的,有声望的 European capital:欧洲首都 sought-after award:广受欢迎的奖项 Glasgow:格拉斯哥(英国城市名) Liverpool:利物浦 bag:v. 抢占,占有 语法知识:本句主干Some might see the proposal as a booby prize,后边for解释原因,跟着that同位语来具体解释fact的内容,也就是具体原因,逗号之后还是同位语,来解释 European capital of culture具体是什么奖项。 参考译文:一些人可能认为,这项提议是一个安慰奖,因为英国已无法再申请更负盛名的欧洲文化之都(European capital of culture)称号,这是1990年格拉斯哥(Glasgow)和2008年利物浦(Liverpool)获得的备受追捧的奖项。 2.A cynic might speculate that the UK is on the verge of disappearing into an endless fever of self-celebration in its desperation to reinvent itself for the post-Brexit world: after town of culture, who knows what will follow village of culture? Suburb of culture? Hamlet of culture? (2020年英语一阅读理解text1) 重点单词短语: cynic: 怀疑者,悲观者 speculate: 推测,猜测 on the verge of: 处在…边缘,趋于 self-celebration : 自我庆祝,自我称赞 desperation: 绝望,不顾一切 post-Brexit: 后脱欧时代 suburb: 郊区 Hamlet: 小村庄 语法知识:本句话主干为A cynic might speculate that宾语从句,从句中的结构稍复杂。其中,on the verge of disappearing into an endless fever of self-celebration是介词短语做表语成分;理解为:湮没于无休止的自我庆祝的狂热之中;in its desperation to reinvent itself for the post-Brexit world,是介词短语做状语成分,in its desperation to,可以理解为不顾一切或者迫切的做某事,表示目的,理解为:迫切的想要在脱欧之后的世界中展现自己的新形象。 参考译文:一个怀疑者可能会猜测,英国迫切的想要在脱欧之后的世界中展现自己的新形象,即将湮没于无休止的自我庆祝的狂热之中:继文化之镇之后,谁知道会有什么,文化之乡?文化郊区?文化之村? 3.A “town of culture” could be not just about the arts but about honouring a town’s peculiarities—helping sustain its high street, supporting local facilities and above all celebrating its people.(2020年英语一阅读理解text1) 重点单词短语: peculiarities:特色 sustain:维持,承受, high street:商业街 facilities:设备 above all 重要的是 celebrate:庆祝,赞扬,歌颂 语法知识:本句话主干A “town of culture” could be not just about the arts but about honouring a town’s peculiarities,即“不仅关于什么,更是关于什么”的句式;后边破折号之后是同位语来解释具体做法,同位语里是三个V-ing短语的并列,顺译即可。 参考译文: 一个“文化之城”不仅仅是一个艺术之城,更重要的是要尊重一个小镇的特色——帮助维持它的商业街,支持当地的设施, 重要的是要颂扬它的人民