哈尔滨,松北2022-06-25 21:39:15
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************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************年英语一阅读理解text 2)
【句子结构】本句主干为 it was usually limited to freshmen,其中:it 是主语,was usually limited to 是谓语,freshmen是宾语。另外,本句中还有when引导的时间状语从句when this practice first started decades ago,表明主句发生的时间。 if 引导的是条件状语从句if they struggled in their transition to college-level courses,根据状语的就近修饰原则,所以可以判断出其修饰的是前面的to do 短语 to give them a second chance to take a class in their first year;因此翻译的时候,需要将条件状语从句翻译到to do短语之前(条件状语从句需前置翻译)。to give them a second chance to take a class in their first year这一to do短语在作目的状语,表明前面的主干内容的目的,即这一practice仅限于大一新生的目的。
【词汇】practice n.惯例;做法
struggle v.挣扎;努力;遇到困难
transition n.过渡
2. What Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations, as a measure , it is no longer enough.(2017年英语一阅读理解text 3)
【句子结构】本句主干比较复杂,主干中含有两个从句:what Kennedy was referring to was that as a measure it is no longer enough。其中,主语是what引导的主语从句what Kennedy was referring to,was是系动词,表语是that引导的表语从句that as a measure it is no longer enough。该句中的难点不仅局限于主干中出现了两个从句,还出现了从句嵌套现象(一个从句还没结束,另一个从句已开始)。当在处理句子过程中,出现了从句嵌套现象,优先处理后面的从属连词构成的从句;判断好后面的从句结束位置后,将其暂时剔除,再处理前面的从属连词构成的从句即可。该句中两个从属连词that与while紧紧挨着,即出现了从句嵌套现象,先确定while构成的从句(让步状语从句):while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations。之后便可发现that构成的从句:that as a measure , it is no longer enough。
【词汇】refer to v.指的是
common adj.通用的
measure v.衡量 n.衡量标准
activity n.活力
【参考译文】肯尼迪指的是,尽管GDP曾是衡量一个国家经济活力 常用的方法;但是它如今作为一种衡量指标,已经不再够用了